Well last night we went to Christmas Eve service at Church and I just loved it!!! :) My favorite!! The kids had a good time too - running all over while Pastor was trying to do his Sermon!! LOL I'm sure he loved it!!! It was a great time though and then we came home and got the creatures all snug in their beds with visions of who the hell knows what dancing in their heads - probably some kind of fluid since K woke up and peed herself hahahahaha. Jon worked midnights that night and got home at 7:30am Christmas morning. We opened gifts and had breakfast and then Jon went to sleep. The kids and I played with their stuff most of the day and then I made a lovely Chicken dinner with homemade (from scratch) stuffing and some twice baked mashed potatoes. It turned out great and I cant wait for leftovers!! All I got was a cut finger and a burned hand out of it and Jon even did the dinner dishes!! YAY!! :)
The kids loved their presents and cant wait to paint the little craft things they got in their stockings!
Jon is working a double shift today so we will hopefully get to spend some well needed time with daddy tomorrow! Also Jon's sister Michelle, her hubby and Ben should be stopping by today to exchange gifts and spend a few minutes before they head off to see someone else I'm sure.
Nothing too exciting going on... going to keep on my road to cleaning the house and trying to catch up on laundry. One day... one day I will be caught up and can TRY to stay that way! At least my kitchen is cleaned!
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Endoscopy & Early LI Christmas
Ok so yesterday I had my endoscopy done and the Dr did some biopsies and found an ulcer! YAY! Sounds weird to be excited about an ulcer but at least now I know where my pain is coming from and I can work to heal it and try to prevent them in the future.
I was all feeling blah and groggy all day yesterday afterwards and as soon as it was time to get going I got wicked terrible heartburn and it lasted all day. It was just like the other pain I was getting in my belly... oy! I fell sleep with the kids for nap and then ended up going to bed with them at night too. I took my nexium and was still popping Tums like Sweettarts!
At least thats over and we know why my little pouch was hurting. Hopefully thats the end of it and I can get on with life!
We had a good time visiting Jon's family last weekend. We went to Long Island to celebrate early Christmas and had a good time seeing everyone. We even got a chance to ride the train into the city and Kaitlyn and Tyler loved seeing the big tree in Rockerfeller Center. Tyler was infatuated with the train and the subway and kept saying over and over "choo choo" lol He LOVED it so much. Kaitlyn even got to take a picture of the tree with Daddy's phone by herself and then the tree started to sparkle after that and she said "it was thanking her for taking such a good picture" of it. She's got quite the imagination!! 

This weekend Kaitlyn will be playing the part of an Angel in the Christmas Pageant at Church!! how exciting! I'll get some pictures, I hope to post! Should be fun! I can't wait to start singing Christmas Carols at Church either... I LOVE it!! :) Oooooo and Jon is working midnights Christmas Eve night into Christmas Day so he gets to go to Christmas Eve service with us!! YAY!!! So much fun!
Friday, December 11, 2009
A Long Island Christmas & a camera where?!?!?
Hahahahaha ok what a title!! :)

Well first of all I was/am still having stomach pains so I went back to the surgeon and asked for an Endoscopy. He said if I hadn't asked he was going to suggest it! So on 12/16 I get to go have a camera shoved down my throat to have a look and see if I have an ulcer or anything weird going on in there that would be causing the pain. Fun for me but it needs to be done!
I just have to say how awesome it is when a certain little man is watching TV and repeats things he hears!!! I LOVE IT! Tyler is talking so much, even if he isn't saying anything intelligible half of the time it's still so cool to hear him. Last night the kids and I were watching Rudolph and Mrs. Claus says to Santa "but Papa..." and Tyler turned to me and repeated JUST like her "Papa." I just exploded with joy! He's getting sooooooooo big now too, he looks like he's 2 1/2 and he's only 19months old!!! Anyway, he can now jump off the ground with two feet too! He's doing so much now it's crazy. Oh did I ever do a number on him too... we went and got out family Christmas photo (which I'll put in this post) and I decided since Tyler's hair was sticking up and he needed it cut that I would just buzz him. Well his hair looked a LOT darker when it was a little longer but when I shaved him it was very light and he looks bald!!! hahahahaha The good thing is his hair grows really fast and only after a few days it started looking better and you can see the hair growing back in now! Still funny and he will tell me what a dork I was when he is older, I'm sure!! :)
Also, we're headed to long Island this weekend to celebrate Christmas a little early since this is the only time we have to do it. It will be fun and we're also going into the City for the annual tree seeing trip! YAY! The kids are going to love it! Kaitlyn especially loves riding the train and going on the subway - thats where she learned to say "watch the gap" lol :)
Ok and here is the picture

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanks for Thanksgiving
Well we went to Long Island to see the family for Thanksgiving. This year Jon's sister Michelle hosted and it worked out very well in their home and no one was on top of anyone and it was a nice day and good to see everyone. We stayed and visited Grandma for a few days and got home Sunday. Jon got some time to spend with his friends on Saturday night too by playing poker and taking their money!! :) Thanks guys!! hahahaha
Yesterday we ended up with a HUGE scrape down the side of our van from the front wheel well to the back bumper. I went today to have the estimate and it's $3200 in damage! So we're going to do all we can to get the $1000 we need for the deductible and then get the car fixed. So any money we get for Christmas or bonuses or anything is all going to that. Hopefully we can get it together soon or find a "loan shark."
We're hoping to get back down to the island to celebrate Christmas early... thinking of heading down on the 12th. Hopefully that will work out and we can see Grandma and Jon's sisters and the kids again. We're then possibly headed to the Island, yet again, in January for Ben's Baptism!
Might have a busy couple weeks here traveling but it'll all be worth it!
Yesterday we ended up with a HUGE scrape down the side of our van from the front wheel well to the back bumper. I went today to have the estimate and it's $3200 in damage! So we're going to do all we can to get the $1000 we need for the deductible and then get the car fixed. So any money we get for Christmas or bonuses or anything is all going to that. Hopefully we can get it together soon or find a "loan shark."
We're hoping to get back down to the island to celebrate Christmas early... thinking of heading down on the 12th. Hopefully that will work out and we can see Grandma and Jon's sisters and the kids again. We're then possibly headed to the Island, yet again, in January for Ben's Baptism!
Might have a busy couple weeks here traveling but it'll all be worth it!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Two Weeks in Hell & Thankful for it all!

Not really a whole lot going on right now other than trying hard to get Kaitlyn (and me) healthy again. I'm doing terrible. My Iron is so low and I feel the infusions are making no difference. I'm getting depressed because I feel useless. I try hard to do things but within minutes I am so exhausted and out of breath I have to sit down because I feel nauseous. I'm not sure whether to hire someone to watch the kids so I can clean or hire someone to come clean for me just to get my house back together so I can TRY to keep it that way. I REALLY want my mom to come out for a week or so to visit and help me get this stuff together but I can't afford to fly her here.
The holidays, though I LOVE the thought of them... celebrations with family and the joy and happiness of the children. They depress me terribly because I'm so far from my family and havent celebrated with them in many years. I think a wonderful Christmas gift would be having my mom come... but I know thats impossible. Neither of us have the money.
Ok Jon will be home soon and it's time for him to get a haircut!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tyler 18 Months Old
Tyler turned 18 months old last week actually but his Well Visit was today! :) Tyler is a big ol' healthy bag of bones! hahahaha He's 27 1/4 lbs and 34" tall and he's growing very well! Not too much else to talk about. He did get a regular Flu shot today and has been a crab butt ever since!
Today was Kaitlyn's Halloween party at school and we all went. It was black & orange day too so we all wore Halloween clothes! It's was an ok party... honestly, there were a lot of people in a not so big place and it made ME want to leave! lol Kaitlyn seems to be doing very well on her medicine though... it really does help to keep her calm, but only half the day. By late afternoon or evening (especially if we have to go somewhere) she has behavior issues. It's something that the Dr and I might look into, possibly adding a second dose in the evening. Kaitlyn can feel her medicine working too, she told me her little white pill makes her feel calm and good. She was having a "moment" the other night and she even said "Mama, can I just have another one of my little white pills, they make me feel good and calm." It's crazy that she is so in-tune with herself!!
Alright then... tomorrow is Halloween and Tyler and I will be dressing as Pumpkins, Kaitlyn as a Dinosaur and Jon is ................... [to be announced] lol Will be taking pictures tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
Today was Kaitlyn's Halloween party at school and we all went. It was black & orange day too so we all wore Halloween clothes! It's was an ok party... honestly, there were a lot of people in a not so big place and it made ME want to leave! lol Kaitlyn seems to be doing very well on her medicine though... it really does help to keep her calm, but only half the day. By late afternoon or evening (especially if we have to go somewhere) she has behavior issues. It's something that the Dr and I might look into, possibly adding a second dose in the evening. Kaitlyn can feel her medicine working too, she told me her little white pill makes her feel calm and good. She was having a "moment" the other night and she even said "Mama, can I just have another one of my little white pills, they make me feel good and calm." It's crazy that she is so in-tune with herself!!
Alright then... tomorrow is Halloween and Tyler and I will be dressing as Pumpkins, Kaitlyn as a Dinosaur and Jon is ................... [to be announced] lol Will be taking pictures tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Verdict Duh Duh Duhhhhhhhhh
Ok so I went to the Hematologist yesterday because my iron is extremely low and I'm pretty anemic. Which would explain why I'm extremely tired all the time and have no energy. So it comes down to this... next week I will be starting 6 weeks of Iron infusions again to build back up my stores. If I do not keep my stores this time they are thinking of going on an exploration mission to see if I have a GI bleed somewhere because I should not be using up my stores unless I'm bleeding somewhere!
So right now the Dr says my heart is working overtime because it thinks I'm suffocating. It's pumping harder and making more blood cells than it needs to so that it can get the oxygen to the places in my body that need it. It's also making the extra blood because it's confused as to why things are right and thinks I have a bleed somewhere too and body says bleeding? MORE CELLS STAT!!!! :) She says it's not a huge deal right now but with my heart working so hard that it could possibly cause heart problems in the future!
On a wonderful note, Tyler is starting to talk a lot more these last few days! He now says "uh, uh" for No, when he doesnt want something lol hahahahaha It's cute! AND he has a strong interest in the potty! I think it's because he wants potty candy for going!!! lol He's a little smart guy.
So the things we have coming up are Tylers 18mo appt Friday morning, Kaitlyn has a Halloween party in school Friday and then Saturday we're all going to Crossgates Mall to trick or treat... then Jon works halloween night so we'll see what the kids and I have planned for that night!
So right now the Dr says my heart is working overtime because it thinks I'm suffocating. It's pumping harder and making more blood cells than it needs to so that it can get the oxygen to the places in my body that need it. It's also making the extra blood because it's confused as to why things are right and thinks I have a bleed somewhere too and body says bleeding? MORE CELLS STAT!!!! :) She says it's not a huge deal right now but with my heart working so hard that it could possibly cause heart problems in the future!
On a wonderful note, Tyler is starting to talk a lot more these last few days! He now says "uh, uh" for No, when he doesnt want something lol hahahahaha It's cute! AND he has a strong interest in the potty! I think it's because he wants potty candy for going!!! lol He's a little smart guy.
So the things we have coming up are Tylers 18mo appt Friday morning, Kaitlyn has a Halloween party in school Friday and then Saturday we're all going to Crossgates Mall to trick or treat... then Jon works halloween night so we'll see what the kids and I have planned for that night!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My Bloods
Ok so I'm not going to list everything here but wanted to say that my iron dropped more and I have no idea what the Hematologist is going to suggest Tues when I go. I'm sure they are going to want to do infusions again... bleh! The Dr now has me on 4000000000000 pills a day! LOL I now have to take my regular "head meds", the Procardia for my Raynauds, Nexium, Vit D, B12, Calcium & Multivitamin. Seriously it's like 14 freakin pills/Vitamins!!! Good lord, can they all even fit in my pouch? LoL Ok so anyway, not sure about the rest of my blood levels right now but the main thing is the iron for now.
Anyway, Kaitlyn and I drove down to Woodstock, NY today for her follow-up with the Developmental Pediatrician and it went well. She said she is going to have Kaitlyn's report written by the end of next week so I have it to go to the School District meeting with.
Anyway, Kaitlyn and I drove down to Woodstock, NY today for her follow-up with the Developmental Pediatrician and it went well. She said she is going to have Kaitlyn's report written by the end of next week so I have it to go to the School District meeting with.
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Little Drop of Ketchup
Ok so I got my results from the CT Scan and don't have any kinks or twists or anything major to report, so the reason for my stomach pain is unknown but assumed to be a possible ulcer or idiopathic (i just had to use a big word there! hahaha). Anyway, the Dr out me on Nexium and we're going to see how that goes for a couple months. Since taking it I havent really had any pain so maybe thats what it was. I also saw the Nutritionist who keeps track of my Blood levels and she is sending me back to the Hematologist because my iron is so low. She sent me to get my blood drawn and I did it yesterday. The kids and I met Daddy at work (he was working both jobs yesterday) and we got to have a late lunch with Daddy and then I got 9 (YES I said 9!) tubes of blood drawn for all the tests! Geesh... you would think I'd be tapped out! LOL :) So we'll see how those go and how low my levels are as of now. The last time I had them done was April and my iron was 4 then.
Tyler started this week with the two sound words... he now says "Daa-Dee" and "nuh-mee" and has been saying "bay-bawh" and "boo-bawh" (Baseball & Football) for awhile and LOVES both. He just sees it on TV or a picture and goes crazy saying it over and over!! :) He's still quite the "Stunt Man" climbing on stuff (appropriate things at least!) and trying to jump off of everything and purposely falling down lol. He's got a sense of humor already... though living in this house, you'd better have one!!! :) He's actually 18 months old today and his appointment was supposed to be this morning but we had to reschedule it because I totally forgot about the Field trip to the Pumpkin patch with Kaitlyn's school today and they were at the same time!! So will update on that next week after his appt.
Thats the other thing, Kaitlyn had her first field trip today! We went with her class (and families) to the Pumpkin Patch where they got to pick a Gourd, Mini Pumpkin and an Indian Corn. They also got to run around and play and then have story time and roll down a hill, pet some animals, a hay maze and tunnel and even a Hay Ride!! :) It was great and Kaitlyn and Tyler both enjoyed it a lot. It did end up being FREEZING cold and, of course, I was NOT prepared and the three of us were about froze to death but at least it was a good time.
Tyler started this week with the two sound words... he now says "Daa-Dee" and "nuh-mee" and has been saying "bay-bawh" and "boo-bawh" (Baseball & Football) for awhile and LOVES both. He just sees it on TV or a picture and goes crazy saying it over and over!! :) He's still quite the "Stunt Man" climbing on stuff (appropriate things at least!) and trying to jump off of everything and purposely falling down lol. He's got a sense of humor already... though living in this house, you'd better have one!!! :) He's actually 18 months old today and his appointment was supposed to be this morning but we had to reschedule it because I totally forgot about the Field trip to the Pumpkin patch with Kaitlyn's school today and they were at the same time!! So will update on that next week after his appt.
Thats the other thing, Kaitlyn had her first field trip today! We went with her class (and families) to the Pumpkin Patch where they got to pick a Gourd, Mini Pumpkin and an Indian Corn. They also got to run around and play and then have story time and roll down a hill, pet some animals, a hay maze and tunnel and even a Hay Ride!! :) It was great and Kaitlyn and Tyler both enjoyed it a lot. It did end up being FREEZING cold and, of course, I was NOT prepared and the three of us were about froze to death but at least it was a good time.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Meeting Baby Ben
Well we went down to Long Island this past weekend to meet Michelle, Jon's sisters, new baby! His name is Ben and he was born the beginning of Sept but we decided not to rush down and to give them some space and time to get used to being parents! He's a gorgeous little guy and I guess really liked me since he decided to fall asleep on me for about an hour!
I'm pretty tired and it has been an eventful week so far so I dont have much to write. I did go for my CT Scan yesterday but I wont know much about it until I see the Dr on Monday the 19th so I'll let you know more then.
One good thing is that Tyler is now saying "Baybee" perfectly! He was trying it yesterday but then today just keeps saying it. He has been babbling a lot of different sounds lately so I think we're going to be hearing a lot more English out of him rather than "Tylerese." So good for him! He's such a big boy and I know now that things are going to start going quickly for him developmentally! I'm excited!
Ok off to do some Laundry!!!
I'm pretty tired and it has been an eventful week so far so I dont have much to write. I did go for my CT Scan yesterday but I wont know much about it until I see the Dr on Monday the 19th so I'll let you know more then.
One good thing is that Tyler is now saying "Baybee" perfectly! He was trying it yesterday but then today just keeps saying it. He has been babbling a lot of different sounds lately so I think we're going to be hearing a lot more English out of him rather than "Tylerese." So good for him! He's such a big boy and I know now that things are going to start going quickly for him developmentally! I'm excited!
Ok off to do some Laundry!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
So yesterday I decided to venture out for a "date" with the kids on my own. We went to the mall and grabbed a little bite to eat and then went to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs in 3D!!! We had a great time and the kids were wonderful! K was in awe and although she did cover her ears in the beginning she was able to finally take them off and enjoy the movie! Tyler made it about an hour in before running through the isle and climbing on th seats. He managed to only lose 1 shoe, which I did find at the end of the movie!
Today I decided to switch over the kids to their winter clothes and am going to pick up a few things they need for winter. Kaitlyn needs some size 5 long sleeve shirts (since her 4T's are too short on her belly!) and Tyler has no footie sleepers for winter since he is in 24m now.
Other than that I hope to get a bit done around the house and was hoping to mow, but of course, it's raining yet again on one of the only days we have to get it done! Lovely!
I wish everyone a good day! Apple Festival tomorrow!!! WOOOT!!!! :)
Today I decided to switch over the kids to their winter clothes and am going to pick up a few things they need for winter. Kaitlyn needs some size 5 long sleeve shirts (since her 4T's are too short on her belly!) and Tyler has no footie sleepers for winter since he is in 24m now.
Other than that I hope to get a bit done around the house and was hoping to mow, but of course, it's raining yet again on one of the only days we have to get it done! Lovely!
I wish everyone a good day! Apple Festival tomorrow!!! WOOOT!!!! :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tyler's Dentist Appt
Well Tyler went for his 6 month check up today. Everything was great, they said I was doing a good job with brushing his teeth and all that fun stuff. However we did get some not so great news about the future! The Dr said that Tyler has an underbite and a crossbite and that as soon as he is old enough to cooperate in the chair (around 3 or so) he would like to send us to an Orthodontist to get an appliance put in to stretch Tyler's upper jaw. Apparently it's not growing as fast as the rest of his head. Not the worst news and hopefully this will help us avoid bigger thing when he is older. So we'd rather get it fixed while he is young and it's easier to do these things! He also said his Upper Lip Frenectomy looks beautiful and it really does! :) Looks normal now like he never had anything done! Oh, and his little front teeth are coming together nicely too!
I also mentioned that Kaitlyn's teeth don't sit correctly in er mouth and so when she goes in for her visit in a couple months we're going to check her out and she may also need something for her mouth but that would be very soon since she is going to be 4 1/2 here soon!!
I also mentioned that Kaitlyn's teeth don't sit correctly in er mouth and so when she goes in for her visit in a couple months we're going to check her out and she may also need something for her mouth but that would be very soon since she is going to be 4 1/2 here soon!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
17 months - Thank you!
So I'm sitting here and Tyler dropped his car into the pack n play and was saying "Ut, Oh" over and over and then said his little version of help, "uhnuh." So I got his car for him. Well we always model correct sentences for our kids and try to model good behavior lol! :) Anyway, I said "Here you go Tyler" and "Thank you, Mama" and then HE SIGNED "thank you" to me!!! WOOOT!!!! LoL We only started using signing with him when he was about 4-6 months old... he never really took to it like K did (since he was actually using words I guess he did feel a need?) but I still use the thank you sign now and again... and he did it all on his own just now!!! Awesome!!! Took him almost a year to do a sign but hey, whatever!! He knows "thank you!"
BTW (highjacking my sons post lol) - my freakin' toes (Raynauds) has started up already... my toes have been frozen everyday for about a week now... grrrrr!!! I guess I should start taking my meds again already to see if it helps. BLEH!!!
BTW (highjacking my sons post lol) - my freakin' toes (Raynauds) has started up already... my toes have been frozen everyday for about a week now... grrrrr!!! I guess I should start taking my meds again already to see if it helps. BLEH!!!
Apple Festival YAY!!!
So every year since we moved back up here (yeah yeah it hasnt been that long I know!) Jon, the kids and I have been going to the Apple Festival at the Altamont Fairgrounds. It's coming up again this year this weekend WOOT!! I can't wait, I love all the crafts and there is stuff for the kids to do and we always paint pumpkins. This year Tyler will be old enough to actually do everything! It's going to be so fun spending such wonderful time with the family. We're hoping to go on Sunday after Church since Jon is working during the day on Saturday.
Kaitlyn is getting through school and likes it very much... we have our days & our nights and it's a roller coaster right right now but it'll all work out.
Tyler is getting huge! He is talking a lot now... still not TONs of real english but plenty of his own stuff and thats all great by us! He's just a handsome little man who keeps learning something new everyday!
We're all jus trying to get over being sick here for the past week. It's been terrible and just about knocked us all out! Just trying to clear everything out now that the actual illness seems to be gone.
Well here's to a wonderful week and an awesome weekend to come!!! YAY!!!
Kaitlyn is getting through school and likes it very much... we have our days & our nights and it's a roller coaster right right now but it'll all work out.
Tyler is getting huge! He is talking a lot now... still not TONs of real english but plenty of his own stuff and thats all great by us! He's just a handsome little man who keeps learning something new everyday!
We're all jus trying to get over being sick here for the past week. It's been terrible and just about knocked us all out! Just trying to clear everything out now that the actual illness seems to be gone.
Well here's to a wonderful week and an awesome weekend to come!!! YAY!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Weekend after a Long Week!
Well this week has been nuts with PreK and Dr appts and Dance and everything all starting up. I hope soon to get back into a routine where things will be more the same everyday. Next week starts a week with no "interruptions" and will be a full week of PreK so we will see how K does after that! We have her Evaluations on 9/29 and 10/1 so we're lucky for that!
This was taken RIGHT after getting it done so it's still all red and puffy... once I'm fully healed and touched up I will take another pic where you can see how black and pretty and shaded it is! :)
I've not been eating well and it seems that when I do eat my entire abdomen feels pressured and it feels like my ribs are crushing organs when I sit and my back and shoulder are killing me. I need to find myself a full on strick protein menu and follow it to the letter for a month to get myself back on track and maybe drop this last 15lbs. I think I will set my goal and work out a menu and start Oct 1st and give myself the month to get it gone and really stick to the diet as much as possible. I do think that I'm going to have to make an appt with either the Primary or the Surgeon (whom I havent seen in over a year now and he might be pissed lol). The the pain is jus getting annoying and its giving me headaches.
OMG did I mention my new tattoo??? I got it last week Thursday and it's the kids names on my right should blade area on my back... guess I should post a pic huh???

Jon is still working his butt off but I think getting kinda used to it. I hope that maybe by mid year next year we can but him to one extra shift at the other job or figure something out with getting rid of some bills. Though I'm not going to get into talking about money... we are fine and paying our bills without issue so thats the important part!
Tyler is getting so big and is really showing his intelligence!! He's talking more and JUST started repeating some things!! I told him to say Bye Bye the other day and he did and it was sooooo cute and perfect! He says things like Baseball (his FAVORITE!!!), Door, Up, Nah nah (food), Nuh nuh (pacifier) and a lot of other Tylerisms but he is talking and we love it. He is still a very Black/White kid and is either crabby or happy... with no middle ground most of the time. He is having a hard time figuring out and responding to facial expressions unless we SCREAM at him LOUDly! I HATE doing that but if we dont he sits there with a smile not understanding at all that we are angry and what he is doing is wrong. It's got me a little worried but he is still only 17 months and maybe thats normal... who knows! Not going to stress over it!
Kaitlyn has been loving her video games, I gave her my old DS and got her a couple games for it and she has her Leapster 2 (which we take those when going shopping or around people to keep her anxiety level down. She also got a Game for the Wii called JumpStart and she loves it and it's so perfect for her and she can play it all by herself! She's having a LOT of trouble with transitioning and we're having tantrums lately but we will get it worked out.
This is one weekend where Jon is actually home all weekend so I have NO idea what's going to go on... I know I would love to get a LOT of cleaning done and see my living room floor again and the kitchen sink to be empty but if there is some time to spend together as a family, I'd like that too!!
Well see what happens this weekend and maybe I can update on Monday!! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Annual Apple Picking!
Yesterday we decided to try and get the kids some outdoor time as well as some unwind time so we headed out to the Farm and did our annual Apple Picking! :) We really had a great time and the kids loved it. We picked a ton of Macintosh apples and the kids ate a ton right off the tree while there too!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Home from Michigan
Well... we had a long week! The kids and I saw my dad & Dorie for lunch at Max & Erma's at Partridge Creek Mall and then they played in the play area and the water and just enjoyed running around like crazy! Kaitlyn got to drive Grandpa around on his Scooter too!!
After leaving the mall we actually ended up heading to McDonalds where they had a playplace so the kids could play while waiting for my brother (Uncle Jim) and had dinner there with him and the kids had a good time seeing him too. Then we headed off to my moms from there and got to her house at about 9pm.
We did have a good tme visiting my mom and she took all of her Grandkids to the Mall on Friday morning to get their picture taken together. That was very hard on Kaitlyn (you can read her adventures on her blog) and we were going to take them to the Zoo that day too but decided to take a trip across the mall from th picture place and just get them each a Build A Bear! Kaitlyn and Tyler both got these soft Bunnies. Kaitlyn named hers "Bunny Bunny" and Tylers we named "Fluffy." We ended up having lunch there too since it takes the picture people so long to get the photo's all done up. I did end up buying a gorgeous framed set of pics of my kids even though I had to cut off a foot to pay for it. Oh well... it's going to look gorgeous on my wall and will be the only thing we have hanging up yet (and we've been here over 2 years now!!!) LoL
Saturday we just hung out at Grandma's and the kids all played and it was a good time. Kaitlyn had some severe overstimulation issues and ended up having Night Terrors all night. Then we got up Sunday morning had breakfast (Pancakes on a stick!!! lol) got all cleaned up in the bath/shower and I packed up the car. We had lunch and ended up leaving at 12:30pm. The kids and I drove all day, they napped, watched some DVD's and then we stopped for dinner and ended up making it home at 1:10am!! The last hour was SO hard and I was falling asleep so I had to pretty much stay on the phone with Jon the entire time just to make it here.
So we're home now and had a good trip... we'll be heading back to Michigan again next summer... WITH Daddy!!!! :)
After leaving the mall we actually ended up heading to McDonalds where they had a playplace so the kids could play while waiting for my brother (Uncle Jim) and had dinner there with him and the kids had a good time seeing him too. Then we headed off to my moms from there and got to her house at about 9pm.
We did have a good tme visiting my mom and she took all of her Grandkids to the Mall on Friday morning to get their picture taken together. That was very hard on Kaitlyn (you can read her adventures on her blog) and we were going to take them to the Zoo that day too but decided to take a trip across the mall from th picture place and just get them each a Build A Bear! Kaitlyn and Tyler both got these soft Bunnies. Kaitlyn named hers "Bunny Bunny" and Tylers we named "Fluffy." We ended up having lunch there too since it takes the picture people so long to get the photo's all done up. I did end up buying a gorgeous framed set of pics of my kids even though I had to cut off a foot to pay for it. Oh well... it's going to look gorgeous on my wall and will be the only thing we have hanging up yet (and we've been here over 2 years now!!!) LoL
Saturday we just hung out at Grandma's and the kids all played and it was a good time. Kaitlyn had some severe overstimulation issues and ended up having Night Terrors all night. Then we got up Sunday morning had breakfast (Pancakes on a stick!!! lol) got all cleaned up in the bath/shower and I packed up the car. We had lunch and ended up leaving at 12:30pm. The kids and I drove all day, they napped, watched some DVD's and then we stopped for dinner and ended up making it home at 1:10am!! The last hour was SO hard and I was falling asleep so I had to pretty much stay on the phone with Jon the entire time just to make it here.
So we're home now and had a good trip... we'll be heading back to Michigan again next summer... WITH Daddy!!!! :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1st Night in Michigan
Well we made it to Michigan at about 8am and stopped for breakfast and got to "Auntie Sarahs" at about 8:45am. We spent the day here and Sarah was wonderful and invited my dad and his girlfriend over for dinner so we didnt have to drag the kids out again after being in the car all night!! That was SO super sweet of her and just shows WHY she is my best friend!!! We had a great time visiting with her and this afternoon we are having lunch with my dad & Dorie and then going to play at Partridge Creek Mall?? never been there (its new since we've been home!) and then possibly seeing my niece and her girls and then having dinner at 5 Guys (YUM!) with my brother Jim. He's never met Tyler so he really wanted to meet him and see me and the kids. After dinner with him we're headed out to my Mom's in Niles (completely the southwest corner of MI).
So far things have been ok with Kaitlyn. I'll update more in depth in her blog but she is getting along great with Sarah's daughter Hannah since Hannah is 6yrs old! K loves older kids and does so well with them. We had a rough time at dinner last night with all the people and she got very anxious.
Ok so off to spend more time in Michigan and loving being home. We're missing Jon/Daddy but have been emailing and talking on the phone with him!!
Write soon!
So far things have been ok with Kaitlyn. I'll update more in depth in her blog but she is getting along great with Sarah's daughter Hannah since Hannah is 6yrs old! K loves older kids and does so well with them. We had a rough time at dinner last night with all the people and she got very anxious.
Ok so off to spend more time in Michigan and loving being home. We're missing Jon/Daddy but have been emailing and talking on the phone with him!!
Write soon!
Monday, August 31, 2009
DMV & Such
This morning we went out to get Jon's car... well first we had to go all the way out to Amsterdam to get the paperwork and then drive back to Schenectady to go to the DMV where we sat waiting for oer an hour and a half! UGH! Two cranky kids in a hot very crowded DMV = not all that much fun! The kids and I even ended up running (literally) down the street to KFC to get something for lunch since it took so dang long! Good thing 4 of us can eat on just one combo meal! WOOT! :) Finally we got the License plates and all that and had to drive back out to Amsterdam to get the car and then drive all the way back. We made it back in barely enough time for Jon to get dressed and leave for work!! It all worked out though and it's all good... he will start using the car for work on Wednesday since it was easier today to take the Van since all his parking stuff is on it. He's gotta register the new car with the Parking people at work on Wednesday too.
Kaitlyn started having a panic attack at the DMV after the batteries on her Leapster2 ran out... I just put the dang things in this morning too! Argh! I seriously need to see about getting her some anti-anxiety meds or something! Poor kid, why should she have to go through that??
So today Tyler's trick of the day is to climb up to the top of the back of the couch and jump off on to the couch... he's a brave brave little crazy man!
I think I'm going to bed very early tonight (with the kids) because I'm exhausted and I need to sleep as much as I can since I will be driving all night tomorrow night on the way to Michigan. I downloaded Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand for my iPod to listen to on the way there so I shouldnt have issues falling asleep. Now how i'm going to manage taking a pee during the trip I dont know since I hope the kids will be sleeping the entire time! Ah well... we'll see!
Tomorrow is also Kaitlyn's Open House at PreSchool! We get to see her school and meet the teachers and all that fun stuff... hopefully all goes well. Will update about that tomorrow before we leave!
Kaitlyn started having a panic attack at the DMV after the batteries on her Leapster2 ran out... I just put the dang things in this morning too! Argh! I seriously need to see about getting her some anti-anxiety meds or something! Poor kid, why should she have to go through that??
So today Tyler's trick of the day is to climb up to the top of the back of the couch and jump off on to the couch... he's a brave brave little crazy man!
I think I'm going to bed very early tonight (with the kids) because I'm exhausted and I need to sleep as much as I can since I will be driving all night tomorrow night on the way to Michigan. I downloaded Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand for my iPod to listen to on the way there so I shouldnt have issues falling asleep. Now how i'm going to manage taking a pee during the trip I dont know since I hope the kids will be sleeping the entire time! Ah well... we'll see!
Tomorrow is also Kaitlyn's Open House at PreSchool! We get to see her school and meet the teachers and all that fun stuff... hopefully all goes well. Will update about that tomorrow before we leave!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Boy, Oh, Boy!
Wow... ok who was it who said parenting boys was different than girls? HAHAHAHAHA
Well so far this morning Tyler has not only stolen his sisters bubble wand, climbed on the coffee table, gotten ahold of the tv remote and was trying to buy pay channels, he also decided to climb up and sit on top of the dining room table (we have one of those High tables) and dump a can of Coke that was 3/4 full, eat a red marker and splash his hands in some leftover milk from his sisters Cocoa Krispies bowl. I know I will look back and think this is funny... but right now, yeah, not so much!
Needless to say Tyler got a 2 minute Time Out and has since gone for his nap early.
So far this morning, K has been pretty good with no real behavior issues... I'm hoping she continues to have a good day. She is enjoying blowing bubbles around the house and daddy is pretending to catch them and throw them back to her! :) It's cute!!
So I have a Dr appt to go to in a bit here, got one leg shaved before the razor battery pooped out and I'm waiting for it to charge and hopefully when I get back the craziness that is my house will have dissipated.
Well so far this morning Tyler has not only stolen his sisters bubble wand, climbed on the coffee table, gotten ahold of the tv remote and was trying to buy pay channels, he also decided to climb up and sit on top of the dining room table (we have one of those High tables) and dump a can of Coke that was 3/4 full, eat a red marker and splash his hands in some leftover milk from his sisters Cocoa Krispies bowl. I know I will look back and think this is funny... but right now, yeah, not so much!
Needless to say Tyler got a 2 minute Time Out and has since gone for his nap early.
So far this morning, K has been pretty good with no real behavior issues... I'm hoping she continues to have a good day. She is enjoying blowing bubbles around the house and daddy is pretending to catch them and throw them back to her! :) It's cute!!
So I have a Dr appt to go to in a bit here, got one leg shaved before the razor battery pooped out and I'm waiting for it to charge and hopefully when I get back the craziness that is my house will have dissipated.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ok so here goes... updates on where each of us are at this moment in time... if there are questions ask them! LOL :)
Jonathan: Working his ass off at two jobs to make sure we have money to pay all the bills and eat! He's been wonderful and even though he is tired and sometimes doesnt see the kids for a day and half he pushes through because he knows he is providing for him family and giving us his best! I know he feels like he is gone a LOT and misses spending time with us but when he is home we try to get the most out of it - so to speak! Oooo and he just lost 17lbs in about 6 weeks I think... something like that! And I'm very proud of him for working on that too!! I think he has 3 more he wants to drop and he will feel good and happy with himself.
Michele: Weight (Surgery) - I'm still hanging on to about 15-20lbs from when I was pregnant/had Tyler and at least I'm maintaining and not gaining anything. I do wish I could get back down to the 150 I want to be! Other than that I'm working my rear off around the house (most of the time) and being run ragged by two kids. Not really much else about me... I'm just here... being me.
Kaitlyn: Kaitlyn is 4yrs old now and will be starting Pre-K in a couple weeks. She will be taking dance again this year and we added Baton to her dance class so that should be fun and interesting! She is just a wonderful super smart little girl who has a few things that need working out. I've kept Kaitlyn's blog going so that her more specific things an go there and the everyday can go here! Let's see she is riding a two wheel bike (with training wheels) and loves to climb to the top of the swing set out back and enjoys learning about everything!
Tyler: Tyler is going to be 16 months old this weekend!!!! He's such a big boy and all of a sudden all of these things are coming out of him. I could go through and list all the things he did when and when he got his fisrt tooth but, honestly, I dont have the energy... so we're going with the now! He's starting to communicate so much more... he has a few words but he is actually pointing now and tries to show us what he is talking about! It's wonderful... at least for me because I was getting pretty sick of the constant "Grumpy old man" he was pretending to be! I think he is liking that we are understanding him more too! He is the little kissing bandit! He's finally getting the puckered lip kiss down and goes around kissing everyone and everything! Today at Barnes and Noble he wa kissing a 3ft tall stand up cardboard cutout of the monster from "Where the Wild Things Are" it was cute as hell!! He loves running around playng chase with his sister and is still always sitting on her if she is on the floor. He's a nut! He loves the cats and tries kissing them too, or laying on them, or petting them, or chasing them around the house! He LOVES Baseall and even says his own little version of the word Baseball and he constantly wants to play the WiiSports!!! We're finally working him into one nap and so far it's a challenge but we're getting there and he is getting a good chunk of sleep now and just about able to make it to 7:30 or 8pm. He is a wonderful sleeper... you take him to bed, put him in and he goes to sleep on his own (been doing that for a LONG time and I LOVE IT!).
As a Family: We started going to church at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Niskyuna back in Dec/Jan and Kaitlyn had a half of a year of Sunday School and loved it... that starts up again in Sept too! We love going to church and sharing our faith with so many new friends and a wonderful community of people! Our Pastor, Pastor Derek, is one of a kind... he is an amazing man with a crap load of passion and just a heart bigger than anyone I've seen!
We recently went berry picking and picked a ton of Strawberries - even Tyler was picking them so we were all in on the action!! :) We plan to go Apple picking at the Farm this year (it has turned into our family tradition now... we go every year, as well as going to the Apple Festival. Much past that we dont really have a lot planned yet... we will see how this all goes with Kaitlyn going to school and the new routine. We're also looking for a car to buy (without a loan) so that I dont have to walk K back and forth to school with Tyler in any cazy weather! Hopefully we can find something tiny, cheap and good on gas so Jon can just take that back and forth to work to save on some gas cost and then I'll have the Sienna when I need it.
Ok I think that about catches us up for the most part. If I missed anything i'm sure it will come up in other posts! My other blogs are listed on the side of this one if anyone is interested in going back and reading old stuff. I welcome comments and questions and I hope somewhere along the lines here you might laugh a little or cry or whatever with us as we go through this wonderful journey!
Jonathan: Working his ass off at two jobs to make sure we have money to pay all the bills and eat! He's been wonderful and even though he is tired and sometimes doesnt see the kids for a day and half he pushes through because he knows he is providing for him family and giving us his best! I know he feels like he is gone a LOT and misses spending time with us but when he is home we try to get the most out of it - so to speak! Oooo and he just lost 17lbs in about 6 weeks I think... something like that! And I'm very proud of him for working on that too!! I think he has 3 more he wants to drop and he will feel good and happy with himself.
Michele: Weight (Surgery) - I'm still hanging on to about 15-20lbs from when I was pregnant/had Tyler and at least I'm maintaining and not gaining anything. I do wish I could get back down to the 150 I want to be! Other than that I'm working my rear off around the house (most of the time) and being run ragged by two kids. Not really much else about me... I'm just here... being me.
Kaitlyn: Kaitlyn is 4yrs old now and will be starting Pre-K in a couple weeks. She will be taking dance again this year and we added Baton to her dance class so that should be fun and interesting! She is just a wonderful super smart little girl who has a few things that need working out. I've kept Kaitlyn's blog going so that her more specific things an go there and the everyday can go here! Let's see she is riding a two wheel bike (with training wheels) and loves to climb to the top of the swing set out back and enjoys learning about everything!
Tyler: Tyler is going to be 16 months old this weekend!!!! He's such a big boy and all of a sudden all of these things are coming out of him. I could go through and list all the things he did when and when he got his fisrt tooth but, honestly, I dont have the energy... so we're going with the now! He's starting to communicate so much more... he has a few words but he is actually pointing now and tries to show us what he is talking about! It's wonderful... at least for me because I was getting pretty sick of the constant "Grumpy old man" he was pretending to be! I think he is liking that we are understanding him more too! He is the little kissing bandit! He's finally getting the puckered lip kiss down and goes around kissing everyone and everything! Today at Barnes and Noble he wa kissing a 3ft tall stand up cardboard cutout of the monster from "Where the Wild Things Are" it was cute as hell!! He loves running around playng chase with his sister and is still always sitting on her if she is on the floor. He's a nut! He loves the cats and tries kissing them too, or laying on them, or petting them, or chasing them around the house! He LOVES Baseall and even says his own little version of the word Baseball and he constantly wants to play the WiiSports!!! We're finally working him into one nap and so far it's a challenge but we're getting there and he is getting a good chunk of sleep now and just about able to make it to 7:30 or 8pm. He is a wonderful sleeper... you take him to bed, put him in and he goes to sleep on his own (been doing that for a LONG time and I LOVE IT!).
As a Family: We started going to church at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Niskyuna back in Dec/Jan and Kaitlyn had a half of a year of Sunday School and loved it... that starts up again in Sept too! We love going to church and sharing our faith with so many new friends and a wonderful community of people! Our Pastor, Pastor Derek, is one of a kind... he is an amazing man with a crap load of passion and just a heart bigger than anyone I've seen!
We recently went berry picking and picked a ton of Strawberries - even Tyler was picking them so we were all in on the action!! :) We plan to go Apple picking at the Farm this year (it has turned into our family tradition now... we go every year, as well as going to the Apple Festival. Much past that we dont really have a lot planned yet... we will see how this all goes with Kaitlyn going to school and the new routine. We're also looking for a car to buy (without a loan) so that I dont have to walk K back and forth to school with Tyler in any cazy weather! Hopefully we can find something tiny, cheap and good on gas so Jon can just take that back and forth to work to save on some gas cost and then I'll have the Sienna when I need it.
Ok I think that about catches us up for the most part. If I missed anything i'm sure it will come up in other posts! My other blogs are listed on the side of this one if anyone is interested in going back and reading old stuff. I welcome comments and questions and I hope somewhere along the lines here you might laugh a little or cry or whatever with us as we go through this wonderful journey!
Friday, August 7, 2009
I know.... FINALLY, right?!?!?!
Ok So I'm FINALLY getting around to getting a Family blog off and running!! I decided it's time. Kaitlyn is 4 and Tyler is 15months and she has had a blog since my pregnancy with her and Tyler unfairly has had nothing! So here we go! We will all now be updated in one place!! Hip Hip Hooray! :)
I hope you enjoy following my families happenings and life updates!
Looking forward to writing soon!
I hope you enjoy following my families happenings and life updates!
Looking forward to writing soon!
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