I've not been eating well and it seems that when I do eat my entire abdomen feels pressured and it feels like my ribs are crushing organs when I sit and my back and shoulder are killing me. I need to find myself a full on strick protein menu and follow it to the letter for a month to get myself back on track and maybe drop this last 15lbs. I think I will set my goal and work out a menu and start Oct 1st and give myself the month to get it gone and really stick to the diet as much as possible. I do think that I'm going to have to make an appt with either the Primary or the Surgeon (whom I havent seen in over a year now and he might be pissed lol). The the pain is jus getting annoying and its giving me headaches.
OMG did I mention my new tattoo??? I got it last week Thursday and it's the kids names on my right should blade area on my back... guess I should post a pic huh???

Jon is still working his butt off but I think getting kinda used to it. I hope that maybe by mid year next year we can but him to one extra shift at the other job or figure something out with getting rid of some bills. Though I'm not going to get into talking about money... we are fine and paying our bills without issue so thats the important part!
Tyler is getting so big and is really showing his intelligence!! He's talking more and JUST started repeating some things!! I told him to say Bye Bye the other day and he did and it was sooooo cute and perfect! He says things like Baseball (his FAVORITE!!!), Door, Up, Nah nah (food), Nuh nuh (pacifier) and a lot of other Tylerisms but he is talking and we love it. He is still a very Black/White kid and is either crabby or happy... with no middle ground most of the time. He is having a hard time figuring out and responding to facial expressions unless we SCREAM at him LOUDly! I HATE doing that but if we dont he sits there with a smile not understanding at all that we are angry and what he is doing is wrong. It's got me a little worried but he is still only 17 months and maybe thats normal... who knows! Not going to stress over it!
Kaitlyn has been loving her video games, I gave her my old DS and got her a couple games for it and she has her Leapster 2 (which we take those when going shopping or around people to keep her anxiety level down. She also got a Game for the Wii called JumpStart and she loves it and it's so perfect for her and she can play it all by herself! She's having a LOT of trouble with transitioning and we're having tantrums lately but we will get it worked out.
This is one weekend where Jon is actually home all weekend so I have NO idea what's going to go on... I know I would love to get a LOT of cleaning done and see my living room floor again and the kitchen sink to be empty but if there is some time to spend together as a family, I'd like that too!!
Well see what happens this weekend and maybe I can update on Monday!! :)
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