Friday, October 23, 2009

A Little Drop of Ketchup

Ok so I got my results from the CT Scan and don't have any kinks or twists or anything major to report, so the reason for my stomach pain is unknown but assumed to be a possible ulcer or idiopathic (i just had to use a big word there! hahaha). Anyway, the Dr out me on Nexium and we're going to see how that goes for a couple months. Since taking it I havent really had any pain so maybe thats what it was. I also saw the Nutritionist who keeps track of my Blood levels and she is sending me back to the Hematologist because my iron is so low. She sent me to get my blood drawn and I did it yesterday. The kids and I met Daddy at work (he was working both jobs yesterday) and we got to have a late lunch with Daddy and then I got 9 (YES I said 9!) tubes of blood drawn for all the tests! Geesh... you would think I'd be tapped out! LOL :) So we'll see how those go and how low my levels are as of now. The last time I had them done was April and my iron was 4 then.

Tyler started this week with the two sound words... he now says "Daa-Dee" and "nuh-mee" and has been saying "bay-bawh" and "boo-bawh" (Baseball & Football) for awhile and LOVES both. He just sees it on TV or a picture and goes crazy saying it over and over!! :) He's still quite the "Stunt Man" climbing on stuff (appropriate things at least!) and trying to jump off of everything and purposely falling down lol. He's got a sense of humor already... though living in this house, you'd better have one!!! :) He's actually 18 months old today and his appointment was supposed to be this morning but we had to reschedule it because I totally forgot about the Field trip to the Pumpkin patch with Kaitlyn's school today and they were at the same time!! So will update on that next week after his appt.

Thats the other thing, Kaitlyn had her first field trip today! We went with her class (and families) to the Pumpkin Patch where they got to pick a Gourd, Mini Pumpkin and an Indian Corn. They also got to run around and play and then have story time and roll down a hill, pet some animals, a hay maze and tunnel and even a Hay Ride!! :) It was great and Kaitlyn and Tyler both enjoyed it a lot. It did end up being FREEZING cold and, of course, I was NOT prepared and the three of us were about froze to death but at least it was a good time.

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