Well last night we went to Christmas Eve service at Church and I just loved it!!! :) My favorite!! The kids had a good time too - running all over while Pastor was trying to do his Sermon!! LOL I'm sure he loved it!!! It was a great time though and then we came home and got the creatures all snug in their beds with visions of who the hell knows what dancing in their heads - probably some kind of fluid since K woke up and peed herself hahahahaha. Jon worked midnights that night and got home at 7:30am Christmas morning. We opened gifts and had breakfast and then Jon went to sleep. The kids and I played with their stuff most of the day and then I made a lovely Chicken dinner with homemade (from scratch) stuffing and some twice baked mashed potatoes. It turned out great and I cant wait for leftovers!! All I got was a cut finger and a burned hand out of it and Jon even did the dinner dishes!! YAY!! :)
The kids loved their presents and cant wait to paint the little craft things they got in their stockings!
Jon is working a double shift today so we will hopefully get to spend some well needed time with daddy tomorrow! Also Jon's sister Michelle, her hubby and Ben should be stopping by today to exchange gifts and spend a few minutes before they head off to see someone else I'm sure.
Nothing too exciting going on... going to keep on my road to cleaning the house and trying to catch up on laundry. One day... one day I will be caught up and can TRY to stay that way! At least my kitchen is cleaned!
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Endoscopy & Early LI Christmas
Ok so yesterday I had my endoscopy done and the Dr did some biopsies and found an ulcer! YAY! Sounds weird to be excited about an ulcer but at least now I know where my pain is coming from and I can work to heal it and try to prevent them in the future.
I was all feeling blah and groggy all day yesterday afterwards and as soon as it was time to get going I got wicked terrible heartburn and it lasted all day. It was just like the other pain I was getting in my belly... oy! I fell sleep with the kids for nap and then ended up going to bed with them at night too. I took my nexium and was still popping Tums like Sweettarts!
At least thats over and we know why my little pouch was hurting. Hopefully thats the end of it and I can get on with life!
We had a good time visiting Jon's family last weekend. We went to Long Island to celebrate early Christmas and had a good time seeing everyone. We even got a chance to ride the train into the city and Kaitlyn and Tyler loved seeing the big tree in Rockerfeller Center. Tyler was infatuated with the train and the subway and kept saying over and over "choo choo" lol He LOVED it so much. Kaitlyn even got to take a picture of the tree with Daddy's phone by herself and then the tree started to sparkle after that and she said "it was thanking her for taking such a good picture" of it. She's got quite the imagination!! 

This weekend Kaitlyn will be playing the part of an Angel in the Christmas Pageant at Church!! how exciting! I'll get some pictures, I hope to post! Should be fun! I can't wait to start singing Christmas Carols at Church either... I LOVE it!! :) Oooooo and Jon is working midnights Christmas Eve night into Christmas Day so he gets to go to Christmas Eve service with us!! YAY!!! So much fun!
Friday, December 11, 2009
A Long Island Christmas & a camera where?!?!?
Hahahahaha ok what a title!! :)

Well first of all I was/am still having stomach pains so I went back to the surgeon and asked for an Endoscopy. He said if I hadn't asked he was going to suggest it! So on 12/16 I get to go have a camera shoved down my throat to have a look and see if I have an ulcer or anything weird going on in there that would be causing the pain. Fun for me but it needs to be done!
I just have to say how awesome it is when a certain little man is watching TV and repeats things he hears!!! I LOVE IT! Tyler is talking so much, even if he isn't saying anything intelligible half of the time it's still so cool to hear him. Last night the kids and I were watching Rudolph and Mrs. Claus says to Santa "but Papa..." and Tyler turned to me and repeated JUST like her "Papa." I just exploded with joy! He's getting sooooooooo big now too, he looks like he's 2 1/2 and he's only 19months old!!! Anyway, he can now jump off the ground with two feet too! He's doing so much now it's crazy. Oh did I ever do a number on him too... we went and got out family Christmas photo (which I'll put in this post) and I decided since Tyler's hair was sticking up and he needed it cut that I would just buzz him. Well his hair looked a LOT darker when it was a little longer but when I shaved him it was very light and he looks bald!!! hahahahaha The good thing is his hair grows really fast and only after a few days it started looking better and you can see the hair growing back in now! Still funny and he will tell me what a dork I was when he is older, I'm sure!! :)
Also, we're headed to long Island this weekend to celebrate Christmas a little early since this is the only time we have to do it. It will be fun and we're also going into the City for the annual tree seeing trip! YAY! The kids are going to love it! Kaitlyn especially loves riding the train and going on the subway - thats where she learned to say "watch the gap" lol :)
Ok and here is the picture

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanks for Thanksgiving
Well we went to Long Island to see the family for Thanksgiving. This year Jon's sister Michelle hosted and it worked out very well in their home and no one was on top of anyone and it was a nice day and good to see everyone. We stayed and visited Grandma for a few days and got home Sunday. Jon got some time to spend with his friends on Saturday night too by playing poker and taking their money!! :) Thanks guys!! hahahaha
Yesterday we ended up with a HUGE scrape down the side of our van from the front wheel well to the back bumper. I went today to have the estimate and it's $3200 in damage! So we're going to do all we can to get the $1000 we need for the deductible and then get the car fixed. So any money we get for Christmas or bonuses or anything is all going to that. Hopefully we can get it together soon or find a "loan shark."
We're hoping to get back down to the island to celebrate Christmas early... thinking of heading down on the 12th. Hopefully that will work out and we can see Grandma and Jon's sisters and the kids again. We're then possibly headed to the Island, yet again, in January for Ben's Baptism!
Might have a busy couple weeks here traveling but it'll all be worth it!
Yesterday we ended up with a HUGE scrape down the side of our van from the front wheel well to the back bumper. I went today to have the estimate and it's $3200 in damage! So we're going to do all we can to get the $1000 we need for the deductible and then get the car fixed. So any money we get for Christmas or bonuses or anything is all going to that. Hopefully we can get it together soon or find a "loan shark."
We're hoping to get back down to the island to celebrate Christmas early... thinking of heading down on the 12th. Hopefully that will work out and we can see Grandma and Jon's sisters and the kids again. We're then possibly headed to the Island, yet again, in January for Ben's Baptism!
Might have a busy couple weeks here traveling but it'll all be worth it!
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