Well Tyler went for his 6 month check up today. Everything was great, they said I was doing a good job with brushing his teeth and all that fun stuff. However we did get some not so great news about the future! The Dr said that Tyler has an underbite and a crossbite and that as soon as he is old enough to cooperate in the chair (around 3 or so) he would like to send us to an Orthodontist to get an appliance put in to stretch Tyler's upper jaw. Apparently it's not growing as fast as the rest of his head. Not the worst news and hopefully this will help us avoid bigger thing when he is older. So we'd rather get it fixed while he is young and it's easier to do these things! He also said his Upper Lip Frenectomy looks beautiful and it really does! :) Looks normal now like he never had anything done! Oh, and his little front teeth are coming together nicely too!
I also mentioned that Kaitlyn's teeth don't sit correctly in er mouth and so when she goes in for her visit in a couple months we're going to check her out and she may also need something for her mouth but that would be very soon since she is going to be 4 1/2 here soon!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
17 months - Thank you!
So I'm sitting here and Tyler dropped his car into the pack n play and was saying "Ut, Oh" over and over and then said his little version of help, "uhnuh." So I got his car for him. Well we always model correct sentences for our kids and try to model good behavior lol! :) Anyway, I said "Here you go Tyler" and "Thank you, Mama" and then HE SIGNED "thank you" to me!!! WOOOT!!!! LoL We only started using signing with him when he was about 4-6 months old... he never really took to it like K did (since he was actually using words I guess he did feel a need?) but I still use the thank you sign now and again... and he did it all on his own just now!!! Awesome!!! Took him almost a year to do a sign but hey, whatever!! He knows "thank you!"
BTW (highjacking my sons post lol) - my freakin' toes (Raynauds) has started up already... my toes have been frozen everyday for about a week now... grrrrr!!! I guess I should start taking my meds again already to see if it helps. BLEH!!!
BTW (highjacking my sons post lol) - my freakin' toes (Raynauds) has started up already... my toes have been frozen everyday for about a week now... grrrrr!!! I guess I should start taking my meds again already to see if it helps. BLEH!!!
Apple Festival YAY!!!
So every year since we moved back up here (yeah yeah it hasnt been that long I know!) Jon, the kids and I have been going to the Apple Festival at the Altamont Fairgrounds. It's coming up again this year this weekend WOOT!! I can't wait, I love all the crafts and there is stuff for the kids to do and we always paint pumpkins. This year Tyler will be old enough to actually do everything! It's going to be so fun spending such wonderful time with the family. We're hoping to go on Sunday after Church since Jon is working during the day on Saturday.
Kaitlyn is getting through school and likes it very much... we have our days & our nights and it's a roller coaster right right now but it'll all work out.
Tyler is getting huge! He is talking a lot now... still not TONs of real english but plenty of his own stuff and thats all great by us! He's just a handsome little man who keeps learning something new everyday!
We're all jus trying to get over being sick here for the past week. It's been terrible and just about knocked us all out! Just trying to clear everything out now that the actual illness seems to be gone.
Well here's to a wonderful week and an awesome weekend to come!!! YAY!!!
Kaitlyn is getting through school and likes it very much... we have our days & our nights and it's a roller coaster right right now but it'll all work out.
Tyler is getting huge! He is talking a lot now... still not TONs of real english but plenty of his own stuff and thats all great by us! He's just a handsome little man who keeps learning something new everyday!
We're all jus trying to get over being sick here for the past week. It's been terrible and just about knocked us all out! Just trying to clear everything out now that the actual illness seems to be gone.
Well here's to a wonderful week and an awesome weekend to come!!! YAY!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Weekend after a Long Week!
Well this week has been nuts with PreK and Dr appts and Dance and everything all starting up. I hope soon to get back into a routine where things will be more the same everyday. Next week starts a week with no "interruptions" and will be a full week of PreK so we will see how K does after that! We have her Evaluations on 9/29 and 10/1 so we're lucky for that!
This was taken RIGHT after getting it done so it's still all red and puffy... once I'm fully healed and touched up I will take another pic where you can see how black and pretty and shaded it is! :)
I've not been eating well and it seems that when I do eat my entire abdomen feels pressured and it feels like my ribs are crushing organs when I sit and my back and shoulder are killing me. I need to find myself a full on strick protein menu and follow it to the letter for a month to get myself back on track and maybe drop this last 15lbs. I think I will set my goal and work out a menu and start Oct 1st and give myself the month to get it gone and really stick to the diet as much as possible. I do think that I'm going to have to make an appt with either the Primary or the Surgeon (whom I havent seen in over a year now and he might be pissed lol). The the pain is jus getting annoying and its giving me headaches.
OMG did I mention my new tattoo??? I got it last week Thursday and it's the kids names on my right should blade area on my back... guess I should post a pic huh???

Jon is still working his butt off but I think getting kinda used to it. I hope that maybe by mid year next year we can but him to one extra shift at the other job or figure something out with getting rid of some bills. Though I'm not going to get into talking about money... we are fine and paying our bills without issue so thats the important part!
Tyler is getting so big and is really showing his intelligence!! He's talking more and JUST started repeating some things!! I told him to say Bye Bye the other day and he did and it was sooooo cute and perfect! He says things like Baseball (his FAVORITE!!!), Door, Up, Nah nah (food), Nuh nuh (pacifier) and a lot of other Tylerisms but he is talking and we love it. He is still a very Black/White kid and is either crabby or happy... with no middle ground most of the time. He is having a hard time figuring out and responding to facial expressions unless we SCREAM at him LOUDly! I HATE doing that but if we dont he sits there with a smile not understanding at all that we are angry and what he is doing is wrong. It's got me a little worried but he is still only 17 months and maybe thats normal... who knows! Not going to stress over it!
Kaitlyn has been loving her video games, I gave her my old DS and got her a couple games for it and she has her Leapster 2 (which we take those when going shopping or around people to keep her anxiety level down. She also got a Game for the Wii called JumpStart and she loves it and it's so perfect for her and she can play it all by herself! She's having a LOT of trouble with transitioning and we're having tantrums lately but we will get it worked out.
This is one weekend where Jon is actually home all weekend so I have NO idea what's going to go on... I know I would love to get a LOT of cleaning done and see my living room floor again and the kitchen sink to be empty but if there is some time to spend together as a family, I'd like that too!!
Well see what happens this weekend and maybe I can update on Monday!! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Annual Apple Picking!
Yesterday we decided to try and get the kids some outdoor time as well as some unwind time so we headed out to the Farm and did our annual Apple Picking! :) We really had a great time and the kids loved it. We picked a ton of Macintosh apples and the kids ate a ton right off the tree while there too!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Home from Michigan
Well... we had a long week! The kids and I saw my dad & Dorie for lunch at Max & Erma's at Partridge Creek Mall and then they played in the play area and the water and just enjoyed running around like crazy! Kaitlyn got to drive Grandpa around on his Scooter too!!
After leaving the mall we actually ended up heading to McDonalds where they had a playplace so the kids could play while waiting for my brother (Uncle Jim) and had dinner there with him and the kids had a good time seeing him too. Then we headed off to my moms from there and got to her house at about 9pm.
We did have a good tme visiting my mom and she took all of her Grandkids to the Mall on Friday morning to get their picture taken together. That was very hard on Kaitlyn (you can read her adventures on her blog) and we were going to take them to the Zoo that day too but decided to take a trip across the mall from th picture place and just get them each a Build A Bear! Kaitlyn and Tyler both got these soft Bunnies. Kaitlyn named hers "Bunny Bunny" and Tylers we named "Fluffy." We ended up having lunch there too since it takes the picture people so long to get the photo's all done up. I did end up buying a gorgeous framed set of pics of my kids even though I had to cut off a foot to pay for it. Oh well... it's going to look gorgeous on my wall and will be the only thing we have hanging up yet (and we've been here over 2 years now!!!) LoL
Saturday we just hung out at Grandma's and the kids all played and it was a good time. Kaitlyn had some severe overstimulation issues and ended up having Night Terrors all night. Then we got up Sunday morning had breakfast (Pancakes on a stick!!! lol) got all cleaned up in the bath/shower and I packed up the car. We had lunch and ended up leaving at 12:30pm. The kids and I drove all day, they napped, watched some DVD's and then we stopped for dinner and ended up making it home at 1:10am!! The last hour was SO hard and I was falling asleep so I had to pretty much stay on the phone with Jon the entire time just to make it here.
So we're home now and had a good trip... we'll be heading back to Michigan again next summer... WITH Daddy!!!! :)
After leaving the mall we actually ended up heading to McDonalds where they had a playplace so the kids could play while waiting for my brother (Uncle Jim) and had dinner there with him and the kids had a good time seeing him too. Then we headed off to my moms from there and got to her house at about 9pm.
We did have a good tme visiting my mom and she took all of her Grandkids to the Mall on Friday morning to get their picture taken together. That was very hard on Kaitlyn (you can read her adventures on her blog) and we were going to take them to the Zoo that day too but decided to take a trip across the mall from th picture place and just get them each a Build A Bear! Kaitlyn and Tyler both got these soft Bunnies. Kaitlyn named hers "Bunny Bunny" and Tylers we named "Fluffy." We ended up having lunch there too since it takes the picture people so long to get the photo's all done up. I did end up buying a gorgeous framed set of pics of my kids even though I had to cut off a foot to pay for it. Oh well... it's going to look gorgeous on my wall and will be the only thing we have hanging up yet (and we've been here over 2 years now!!!) LoL
Saturday we just hung out at Grandma's and the kids all played and it was a good time. Kaitlyn had some severe overstimulation issues and ended up having Night Terrors all night. Then we got up Sunday morning had breakfast (Pancakes on a stick!!! lol) got all cleaned up in the bath/shower and I packed up the car. We had lunch and ended up leaving at 12:30pm. The kids and I drove all day, they napped, watched some DVD's and then we stopped for dinner and ended up making it home at 1:10am!! The last hour was SO hard and I was falling asleep so I had to pretty much stay on the phone with Jon the entire time just to make it here.
So we're home now and had a good trip... we'll be heading back to Michigan again next summer... WITH Daddy!!!! :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1st Night in Michigan
Well we made it to Michigan at about 8am and stopped for breakfast and got to "Auntie Sarahs" at about 8:45am. We spent the day here and Sarah was wonderful and invited my dad and his girlfriend over for dinner so we didnt have to drag the kids out again after being in the car all night!! That was SO super sweet of her and just shows WHY she is my best friend!!! We had a great time visiting with her and this afternoon we are having lunch with my dad & Dorie and then going to play at Partridge Creek Mall?? never been there (its new since we've been home!) and then possibly seeing my niece and her girls and then having dinner at 5 Guys (YUM!) with my brother Jim. He's never met Tyler so he really wanted to meet him and see me and the kids. After dinner with him we're headed out to my Mom's in Niles (completely the southwest corner of MI).
So far things have been ok with Kaitlyn. I'll update more in depth in her blog but she is getting along great with Sarah's daughter Hannah since Hannah is 6yrs old! K loves older kids and does so well with them. We had a rough time at dinner last night with all the people and she got very anxious.
Ok so off to spend more time in Michigan and loving being home. We're missing Jon/Daddy but have been emailing and talking on the phone with him!!
Write soon!
So far things have been ok with Kaitlyn. I'll update more in depth in her blog but she is getting along great with Sarah's daughter Hannah since Hannah is 6yrs old! K loves older kids and does so well with them. We had a rough time at dinner last night with all the people and she got very anxious.
Ok so off to spend more time in Michigan and loving being home. We're missing Jon/Daddy but have been emailing and talking on the phone with him!!
Write soon!
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