Well the last two weeks have been CRAZY! Kaitlyn got the flu which morphed into ear infections, bronchitis, asthma, dehydration (with ER visit) and a Urinary Tract infection. She has been on so many medications in the last two weeks her poor stomach has to be a mess! She is now on a nebulizer for the Asthma (which I will get into more on her site). As far as the family, we're lucky, I had the flu a few months back and Tyler and Jonathan both got a Flu shot! So we all stayed healthy while the poor girl battled these mean nasty non-stop illnesses. She is finally on the right drugs for the UTI and we're hoping it all ends here!

Thanksgiving is coming up and we will be heading down to Long Island, as always, to celebrate our Thankfulness with Jon's family. Kaitlyn has tomorrow left of school and then her and I are going to spend the day making fudge to take down with us. The kids did get some coupons and reward certificates so we were able to go to Build A Bear and Kaitlyn made Frosty the Snowman and Tyler chose his Turkey "Dobble Dobble." Though this year the world seems to be forgetting about Thanksgiving and being Thankful and skipping right to Christmas.
Not really a whole lot going on right now other than trying hard to get Kaitlyn (and me) healthy again. I'm doing terrible. My Iron is so low and I feel the infusions are making no difference. I'm getting depressed because I feel useless. I try hard to do things but within minutes I am so exhausted and out of breath I have to sit down because I feel nauseous. I'm not sure whether to hire someone to watch the kids so I can clean or hire someone to come clean for me just to get my house back together so I can TRY to keep it that way. I REALLY want my mom to come out for a week or so to visit and help me get this stuff together but I can't afford to fly her here.
The holidays, though I LOVE the thought of them... celebrations with family and the joy and happiness of the children. They depress me terribly because I'm so far from my family and havent celebrated with them in many years. I think a wonderful Christmas gift would be having my mom come... but I know thats impossible. Neither of us have the money.
Ok Jon will be home soon and it's time for him to get a haircut!